Official Website
Welcome to the Foursquare Church in Nigeria
Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

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We have a Place for You Here!
The Foursquare Church exists to glorify God and advance His Kingdom. Jesus Christ’s command is to preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations (Mark 16:15; matthew 28:19). Therefore, we are “Dedicated unto the cause of inter-denominational and Worldwide Evangelism.”
These words express our spirit and our focus. Our call is to preach Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as The Saviour, The Baptizer, The Healer and The Coming King.
Our Leadership
National Executives of Foursquare Church, Nigeria

Upcoming Event
Below is a list of the upcoming National Events

Next Key Event
9:00 am prompt
ICML 2025
International Conference for Ministers and Leaders

The last refreshing vigil i came to, i came with bitter heart, I was tired of the job i was doing and I heard a testimony of a man of how God increased his job after he made a pledge to give God 3 times of his salary. I sold my smart watch sowed a seed of the proceed. My uncle told me to send my cv and I got connected with a job.
Joy Onache
Salvation chapel

April 2014 edition before then I do hear of people always coming to say 10, 20 years before they have children and I didnt like it and I vowed to God that when I got married I told God i want to get children early and God gave us a daughter after one year, and later gave birth to twins.
Femi Abraham

Early March i discovered a lump on my left side breast and i visited the hospital, and after the result came out they said i have fibroid, then i went see a consultant for cinfirmation. I attend refreshing vigil, after it i went to run another test. The result showed that the cancer had disappear and my Dad went for a surgery 3 weeks ago and it was successful.
Sis. Gladys Okoh
Somolu District
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