Foursquare Women International

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This Ministry is the umbrella that covers all adult female members of the Foursquare Movement. They meet together as a fellowship to encourage and exhort one another every Tuesday by 2:00 pm at the Main Auditorium. Their June rally and Big M day are programs our women can look forward to every year.


Plan and supervise FWI in the Church.

Coordinates FWI programmes at Region, Axis, District, Zone and Local levels.

Make policies on FWI after due consultation with relevant authorities.

Submit/Present report at NEC meeting highlighting testimonies and activities of FWI.

Organize Training for the development of Women leaders in the Church.

Perform such other duties as may be assigned by National Secretary from time to time.


To organize mutual fellowship and seeing to the general welfare of Women in the church.

To give guidance, counseling and support to needy women in the Church.

To organize empowerment programs to assist and elevate the status of jobless women.

Catering for Conventioneers during ICML, Convention and all FWI National programmes.

Organize seminars and career talks for corporate women to assist them in becoming better wives, mothers and God’s handmaids.

To be involved in evangelistic programmes by visiting the motherless/ Orphanage homes with welfare packages and other charitable services such as medical evangelism and support to Missionaries and Mission work.

Organize specialized programs for waiting mothers and Eligibles for the benefit of women in the church.

To prepare National calendar for women and themes for their programs.

Executing National programmes such as Annual Get together, Easter Retreat, June Rally etc and to preside over National Cabinet meetings and National FWI projects.

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Our Events

Make your registration early, plan and prepare to attend.

FWI Get Together

FWI Get Together

January 13th, 2024

FWI Easter Retreat

FWI Easter Retreat

21th - 23th March, 2024

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

May 18th, 2024

FWI June Rally

FWI June Rally

26th - 29th June, 2024