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“Foursquare” is a biblical term used for the tabernacle in the Book of Exodus, of the Temple of the Lord in Ezekiel 40:47, and of Heaven, as described in the book of the Revelation.

It represents that which is equally balanced on all sides, established, and enduring. Such confidence in the power of the Gospel is also expressed by the verse, Hebrews 13:8, displayed in Foursquare churches proclaiming, “Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday and Today and Forever.”

Our call is to preach Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as The Savior, The Baptizer, The Healer and The Coming King.

Our assignment is to develop healthy, growing churches. Our commitment is to plant national churches around the world led by loving servants of Jesus Christ. Churches developed in this manner will reproduce again and again.This makes possible the spread of the gospel to those who have not heard or accepted the message of God’s Son.